
Miss List

December 9, 2009

A Few Things I'll Miss About Finland...

Cobblestone streets
Spiral staircases
The Chinese Burger man
Bike roads
BMWs doing donuts in the snow
Beautiful dogs everywhere
My Bible study
Finnish pizza
Red squirrels
Amazing water
Sliding down the street on ice
Finnish worship
Perfect heating
Tiny cars
The woods
Produce section of grocery store
Saunas everywhere
The language
Giant hares
Still air
Shy people
The best milk in the world
The man who smokes salmon outside of Tokmanni
No bugs
Small trees


Slowly Breaking

December 6, 2009

            Today was the day I was supposed to go on my ski trip. Yes, I said supposed to go. I woke up around 6am feeling quite sick. If you know me at all, you know I will do anything to keep myself from tossing my cookies. I went to our kitchen and opened the door to outside. I stood in the -7ÂșC and snow until my nausea would pass. Then when I would come inside, it would return. So I would go back out. Finally after about ten minutes of this, I inched my way inside and took a sip of some Coke. I stood in the doorway a bit longer before I began to shiver a bit. I walked back to my room unsure of what to do. If I wanted to go skiing I had about 20 minutes to make it to the where the vans were picking us up and the walk alone takes 10 minutes. I had most of my stuff packed already, but it would be a challenge to carry my skis and everything. As I sat, shaking in my bed, I decided I shouldn’t push my body. I was deeply saddened about this decision. I was really looking forward to hanging out with all of my Architecture friends who I’ve felt I have neglected way too much. I texted Brittany and Carmen letting them know how I was feeling and that I wasn’t coming. Apparently they resented the fact I haven’t hung out with them much also because I only got a reply a few hours later from Carmen asking me why I choose to never join them in anything. I felt, today, like I have failed my relationships in Finland.
            I have been pushing my body to its limits lately. With sleep, food, weather… etc. Still, some days I will stay awake all night. Sleep a few hours here, a few there. I haven’t had much of an appetite at all lately, and forcing myself to eat is a most frustrating and uncomfortable regimen. Seeing time flying by, I’ve been out in the snow for hours and hours. I guess my body has had enough.
Today, I rested. While my body is beginning to feel better, my heart is becoming worse. The closer I get to coming home, the more I fear it. Now it’s the little things that are affecting me, like this ski trip, for instance. It’s not a huge deal, but a bigger deal because I am trying to squeeze everything in that I can and have wanted to do here. I guess these are always the times when you look back and see what you would have done different or would have liked to have done. I think I just have a hard time accepting those things. I feel pressure to fix them. Pressure from myself. 


These Are the Last Days

December 2, 2009

            Well, I did it. I somehow cranked out a ton of work in record timing and had my final critique today. I sliced my hand open while washing a glass the other day… right in the middle of crunch time with no BandAid. It didn’t really hurt too badly, I just didn’t want to get blood on my drawings or computer… haha! Clumsy disease strikes again.

I don’t feel quite as relaxed as I thought I would. Now I am thinking of all the things I need and want to do before I leave. I’m a pretty lucky girl. We have a ski trip coming up this weekend that I need to be getting some stuff ready for and I remembered seeing a pair of skis in our “junk room”. I went and tried the boots on. Just my size! Then I came and Googled ski sizing charts and measured the skis (should stand in between your chin and the top of your head) and they come right to my nose! Perfect! One of the ski poles is a little broken on the top of the handle, but nothing major.
With free skis, I should save a ton of money. Now I need to be working on getting food, gear, and packing all the things that Leena said we need to bring.
            It’s hard to believe I am returning to America so soon. I felt like time was creeping by for such a long time and now it’s slipping out from my hands. There’s so much that I want to do and so little time. It’s a strange feeling that’s come over me lately… I don’t really want to leave. I am excited about all the faces I will get to see when I come back. But also, a bit worried at the same time. But for now, I’m just going to enjoy the air, the bright full moon, and the culture. See you soon enough, America.