
Miss List

December 9, 2009

A Few Things I'll Miss About Finland...

Cobblestone streets
Spiral staircases
The Chinese Burger man
Bike roads
BMWs doing donuts in the snow
Beautiful dogs everywhere
My Bible study
Finnish pizza
Red squirrels
Amazing water
Sliding down the street on ice
Finnish worship
Perfect heating
Tiny cars
The woods
Produce section of grocery store
Saunas everywhere
The language
Giant hares
Still air
Shy people
The best milk in the world
The man who smokes salmon outside of Tokmanni
No bugs
Small trees


Slowly Breaking

December 6, 2009

            Today was the day I was supposed to go on my ski trip. Yes, I said supposed to go. I woke up around 6am feeling quite sick. If you know me at all, you know I will do anything to keep myself from tossing my cookies. I went to our kitchen and opened the door to outside. I stood in the -7ºC and snow until my nausea would pass. Then when I would come inside, it would return. So I would go back out. Finally after about ten minutes of this, I inched my way inside and took a sip of some Coke. I stood in the doorway a bit longer before I began to shiver a bit. I walked back to my room unsure of what to do. If I wanted to go skiing I had about 20 minutes to make it to the where the vans were picking us up and the walk alone takes 10 minutes. I had most of my stuff packed already, but it would be a challenge to carry my skis and everything. As I sat, shaking in my bed, I decided I shouldn’t push my body. I was deeply saddened about this decision. I was really looking forward to hanging out with all of my Architecture friends who I’ve felt I have neglected way too much. I texted Brittany and Carmen letting them know how I was feeling and that I wasn’t coming. Apparently they resented the fact I haven’t hung out with them much also because I only got a reply a few hours later from Carmen asking me why I choose to never join them in anything. I felt, today, like I have failed my relationships in Finland.
            I have been pushing my body to its limits lately. With sleep, food, weather… etc. Still, some days I will stay awake all night. Sleep a few hours here, a few there. I haven’t had much of an appetite at all lately, and forcing myself to eat is a most frustrating and uncomfortable regimen. Seeing time flying by, I’ve been out in the snow for hours and hours. I guess my body has had enough.
Today, I rested. While my body is beginning to feel better, my heart is becoming worse. The closer I get to coming home, the more I fear it. Now it’s the little things that are affecting me, like this ski trip, for instance. It’s not a huge deal, but a bigger deal because I am trying to squeeze everything in that I can and have wanted to do here. I guess these are always the times when you look back and see what you would have done different or would have liked to have done. I think I just have a hard time accepting those things. I feel pressure to fix them. Pressure from myself. 


These Are the Last Days

December 2, 2009

            Well, I did it. I somehow cranked out a ton of work in record timing and had my final critique today. I sliced my hand open while washing a glass the other day… right in the middle of crunch time with no BandAid. It didn’t really hurt too badly, I just didn’t want to get blood on my drawings or computer… haha! Clumsy disease strikes again.

I don’t feel quite as relaxed as I thought I would. Now I am thinking of all the things I need and want to do before I leave. I’m a pretty lucky girl. We have a ski trip coming up this weekend that I need to be getting some stuff ready for and I remembered seeing a pair of skis in our “junk room”. I went and tried the boots on. Just my size! Then I came and Googled ski sizing charts and measured the skis (should stand in between your chin and the top of your head) and they come right to my nose! Perfect! One of the ski poles is a little broken on the top of the handle, but nothing major.
With free skis, I should save a ton of money. Now I need to be working on getting food, gear, and packing all the things that Leena said we need to bring.
            It’s hard to believe I am returning to America so soon. I felt like time was creeping by for such a long time and now it’s slipping out from my hands. There’s so much that I want to do and so little time. It’s a strange feeling that’s come over me lately… I don’t really want to leave. I am excited about all the faces I will get to see when I come back. But also, a bit worried at the same time. But for now, I’m just going to enjoy the air, the bright full moon, and the culture. See you soon enough, America.


Sweet Serenity

November 27, 2009

            I watched my mom board the bus to the airport about three hours ago. It was such a nice visit. I was really glad that she got to come to Finland and have an experience of her own. It made me feel good to be able to be a part of that. We did some traveling. We stayed within Finland and went to Rovaniemi in Lapland and Ranua to the zoo. It was so beautiful up north. There was so much snow… I’ve never seen that much snow in my life. I always use so many words. I feel less like talking today. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

            On the way to the bus stop this morning, I looked over at my building from afar and I couldn’t see my bike parked in front. I kept walking and starting thinking in my head of where I may have misplaced my bike or parked it somewhere else and forgotten. I hoped this was the case. On my way back, I went and looked and my bike wasn’t where I had parked it the day before. I explicitly remember parking it there in the snow and going inside to wake my mom up the day before. Just to be sure, I walked around the other two sides of the building and checked the other places I sometimes park it. I found nothing. I was put out and felt pretty helpless. It made me more sad than anything. I wanted to be able to ride my bike around these last weeks in Finland. I wanted to be able to explore more and take long, peaceful rides. My bike gave me the independence I crave so much. And now, she’s gone. I was pretty angry at Finland at first. I didn’t know what else to be angry at. But, I realized that being angry isn’t going to bring my bike back or really make me feel any better. I pray that it shows back up. I wouldn’t be mad at all if I walked out one day and she was sitting there. The bike kind of meant more to me than just a ride. It was much more.

I’ve begun thinking about how I’m leaving soon and I’m afraid I’m really going to miss things about this place. This has become home to me. It may be dysfunctional, hard to understand, and inconvenient at times… but it’s home. I think what I’ll miss the most is the quiet. I don’t just mean the lack of city “hustle and bustle” or the fact that I never hear sirens or that the woods are so still and tranquil. The people are quiet and I love that. I never feel like people are invading my space (unless you happen upon an intoxicated Finn) and when I want to be left alone, I am. I’m going to miss the quiet mumbling of Finnish words with extreme pronunciations that are unmistakable even at their barely audible volumes. It’s so easy to drown out the world here. It’s easy to be… quiet.


Depth in Disguise

November 20, 2009

            I just got back from seeing the movie New Moon. I really hate to add to the frenzy or to be viewed as whimsical and stupid for liking the things I do. I first watched Twilight with a reluctant attitude some weeks ago online when I was bored. All the hype and obsession had me going into it with a pretty closed mind (as I also did with The Notebook and other hyped up, sensitive “chick flicks”). Well, after watching Twilight and thinking that it wasn’t half bad and was actually good, I decided I would go see New Moon and that it would be worth a fun movie experience in Finland.
            I fell in love with Finnish movie theaters. We walked in and went to the counter to buy our tickets. You get to choose your seats right there on a computer screen. This is quite comforting knowing we would have two seats in a specific area waiting for us when we walked in (also good so you don’t have to peek for open spots in the dark). We got some candy, popcorn, and drinks and got in the elevator to go up to our theater. We walked in just as the previews had ended. Found row 10, and there our seats waited for us with an empty seat beside me. PERFECT. The theater was humongous… like nothing I’d seen before. We guessed a thousand people were in there! Perhaps an over-exaggeration on our part J. The seats don’t fold up like they do in theaters at home. There was plenty of space and comfy legroom and everything. Don’t get me started on the gargantuan screen. For a moment I thought I was in IMAX (another exaggeration).
            Now to what I was really talking about… I LOVED the movie. I thought it was way better than Twilight. And it annoys me that I feel like I can’t love it vocally because I’ll be put in a category with these crazy quixotic girls. Frankly, I’m not afraid to like movies with talking lions, wizards and magic, or vampires. I don’t think my maturity level is so advanced that these things are “silly” or “satanic” even. Maybe if the message was geared that way, I would have those opinions. But I know I spoke earlier about the message I feel is conveyed in Harry Potter. Quite a fabulous message if you ask me! Loyalty, love, friendship. Just because the author used a more fictional approach doesn’t mean I’m going to discard it for rubbish. And C.S. Lewis… I know you’ve heard my opinions on him! So why would I stick my nose up at his more fictional writing which still rings of the truth he speaks about in his more “realistic” works? Brilliance is brilliance. And a message is a message. Maybe some people have the unfortunate disability of only being able to see such substances as nonsense. I feel sorry that they miss out on what wonderful things “nonsense” can bring. I honestly feel that I relate my own life and feelings better to these stories of “nonsense” far better than the ones trying to be compliant with reality. But, we all know that as long as movies are made which break the limited imaginations of black-and-white humans (what I like to call them), there will be opposition and negative feedback. Don’t think I’m saying you must love Harry Potter or the Twilight series to have any sense at all. I do think matters of taste and personal situations and emotions still guide our acceptance and love of entertainment like this. So if it doesn’t stir up anything for you or tastes bad in your mouth, by all means spit it out. But don’t make your neighbor feel ashamed when they take a bite and can’t get enough.

Metaphors. I love them.
…perhaps that’s why I’m so darn "fanciful"…


"Literal" Genius

November 14, 2009

            I just spent a few hours with my nose deep in Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis again. I always get a whirlwind of strong emotions when I read his work. One part of me becomes so excited and desperately wants other people to read it too and see what I see. Then another part of me is sort of discouraged, wishing I was able to sort my thoughts just the way he does and communicate things clearly and in just the right order. Still, another part of me is challenged and inspired with a desire to search deeper, learn more, and understand more. The simple lies people say to diminish Christianity and its worth have holes all the way through them and I’m tired of not challenging them.
            Sometimes it takes a book to get me out of the world I think I’m in and into the world I actually am in. They often help with the reverse effect as well.
            Words remind me of architecture. It takes a specific design, a sort of “city planning”, to put them in just the right order for the right effect of power and meaning. You can say all the right things, but in the wrong places, they are maddeningly unhelpful. A city with all the greatest places you could ever want to go, but no direction of how you get from one place to the next also becomes quite useless. Unfortunately, I personally think I focus so much on one particular space at a time that I forget about the connections and in afterthought, they become difficult to link. Less purposeful anyhow. That little gift has also been transferred to my language skills. I really have to work at thinking about how to plan out what I say, so I tend to just not do it. I jump in and rely on my spontaneity and hope that things make sense and come out clearly. And if I am confusing, I hope that people just see it as a quirky sort of circumstance of a vivacious personality spinning out of control. That would only be the optimist’s perception of me. We all find more pleasure in well-designed spaces that are so easy to navigate, you don’t even have to think. And I think words can truly ring beautiful when the context has been so carefully chosen, it is unmistakable. But for me, I want so badly to be able to say things that cause constant epiphanies in peoples’ heads and I have such a sense of personal inadequacy about being able to actually do that, that I just keep quiet instead. How quickly I forget that the message I so desire to communicate is not dependant on my literary or verbal abilities at all. Still, I can’t help but want to improve them.
            And so, today, I took a break from arranging and designing spaces and decided to focus a bit on an overlooked art that I appreciate. Writing. It’s just a shame that I’ll end up being critiqued and graded on the first more than the second.

…a sneak peak at my latest, very “still in progress” project…


Time's Running Out

November 11, 2009

            I’ve really been slacking on this whole blogging thing lately. It’s time I came out of my rut. Honestly, there hasn’t been much to say about the last… 2 weeks. Wow, time flies when you’re living in the Tundra. Every day I tell myself I am going to go to bed at a decent hour and wake up early and be productive. I’m sorry to say I’ve been failing myself all too consistently. I hope to really reverse these habits in the next couple days.
            I just got back from Bible study. It was gorgeous outside. There was a light dusting of snow on the ground; just enough to create a nice white cover over everything. The air was very dry and chilly. Chilly really isn’t the appropriate word… it’s 19ºF out there. You can tell it was cold because the snow was sparkling like glitter. It was a frosty frozen powdery stuff that felt similar to crunching on glass when I walked over it. It was a truly beautiful bike ride tonight. It was like being inside one of those sparkly snow globes. It’s supposed to snow again tonight and tomorrow and then every day next week. I’m ready for a foot of snow. I need to get some vanilla so that I can make snow cream also.
            I go on a field trip this Friday the 13th to Vaasa and Seinäjoki. I will leave early in the morning and not get back until late at night. I hope it is a fun excursion and not too cold! I will be honest, I am a bit nervous because I know that two of the vans will be driven by Kerstin and Gorka. Kerstin is from Germany and Gorka is from Spain… I don’t think they have much experience with driving in snow, or driving in Finland, or really driving in general. I hope it all goes smoothly though. We best have our winter tires for this excursion.
            More importantly, my mom is coming to visit around the 21st or 22nd of November and I am so excited to show her around and travel with her. I just hope we get to do a lot of fun things and that she really enjoys herself. After her visit, I will only have about two weeks left here. YIKES! Where has the time gone? I sure hope I get my project done in time since my final critique is December 3rd. Then I have a ski trip with the architecture students before I come home on December 10th. Putting it into perspective like that kind of stresses me out. No more lazy days and movies for me. Time for business.


Back on Track

October 28, 2009

            Wow. It feels like it’s been a while. Perhaps I’m becoming a habitual blogger cause I think I was going through withdrawals. I hope it’s not contagious. Though, from the looks of my friends who’ve all started blogging, I’d say it is!!! I’m actually quite glad. Because now I have stuff to read as well.
            Today was very productive. I think I breathe easier when my abilities are put to the test (and I pass of course). I finally woke up before 1 or 2pm. This was a nasty habit I caught last week on my break. I would fall asleep around 7am and wake up at 1 or 2pm everyday… sometimes even later. Shameful. I know. I didn’t realize how much of a hermit I was last week until I came back to the studio and everybody greeted me with big smiles asking where I had been and how they’d missed me. It feels good to be missed sometimes. Especially when you feel like nobody notices or should notice.
Well, this morning I woke up and went to the studio and got my competition design printed out and mounted and filled out my entry form before class. After class, I went with Aulikki (my professor for just about every subject) to the post office to mail it to Sweden. We rode in her car. I think it was a Skuoma. I can’t really remember. It was green. That made me happy. She was kind of an intense driver and the fact that I didn’t really know how the roads and traffic worked kept me feeling like a baby in a car seat… pretty helpless. We arrived with no scratches. It was a good time for me because I got to talk to her about a few ideas I had been thinking about for some of the courses and she put my mind at ease about some of the things I had been worrying about. I’m used to worrying at UNCG, but it doesn’t seem like anybody worries here. And even when I worry, things turn out to not be such a big deal here. We had to drive around Oulu for a few minutes until I got wireless connection because neither of us remembered to get the address for the place in Sweden that I had to send my competition to. She was very giggly and reminded me of an old friend who does silly stuff in situations that could be turned stressful easily. I liked it a lot. We meshed.
            After my posti experience, I went back into the computer lab and sat next to Brittany while I whipped out two presentations for tomorrow. I hate presenting. I find that I try to act like I don’t know English well. For one, nobody else in the room knows English well except for Brittany. And second, it buys everybody else time when they speak slowly and search for the right words in English to say. It makes my presentations fly by… so I turn into a Latina woman or something when I get in the front of the room. That’s slightly embarrassing. Most people here have thought that I was either from Spain or Brazil though… so I guess it works for me.
            I went to Stockman after I finished my presentations and bought some baking soda and baking powder. These were the last two ingredients that I needed to make my homemade buttermilk pancakes… so I thought. I forgot that I’d run out of eggs so I ran to the store in the last few minutes before Bible Study and got some maple syrup and eggs. I then biked over to Bastian’s house for Bible study. It was really intense today. We’ve been studying Revelation. We read through the scriptures, watch a DVD on the scriptures we read in Revelation by David Pawson and then discuss everything. You can imagine there’s a lot to discuss. Luckily, I’m in a room full of people who know the Bible intimately and we find ourselves in all kinds of scriptures searching for the real truth. I know a few of the people in the room have studied Revelation several times before also. I think today we got hung up on a topic that has been debated a lot and it had my head spinning for a while before everybody started backing down and realizing that maybe some of the details will never be explained to us and sort of sitting back and taking comfort in that. Leave it to Bastian, our German comedian to really lighten the mood. He reminds me a lot of my dad. He has this funny way of laughing and joking at things. We talked about persecution and tribulation a lot tonight and after 3 hours of sitting relatively quietly, he laughs out loud and says, “I’m still trying to figure out what these words mean in German.” I love my Bible study and the many personalities in it. Oh, and also, I'm almost always guaranteed to get a fresh jug of Kombucha from David. YUM!
            I got home from Bible study around 10:30pm. I hadn’t eaten yet and I went into the kitchen and whipped up those homemade buttermilk pancakes. I made so many! I only could eat like three before I was full. That’s what happens when you don’t eat all day. It’s okay though. I saran-wrapped them and put them in the fridge for tomorrow.
            Coming to the end of a day like this leaves me smiling. I feel accomplished and I had fun the whole time. There were a lot of little things today that made me happy:

•my classmates expressing their affection for me
•my car ride with Aulikki
•a kid almost hit me with his bike while doing a donut on the ice
•Judy asking me to sit next to her on the couch at Bible study
•I got in the zone while listening to my iPod and closed my eyes on the way down a hill
•making homemade pancakes that rocked with Canadian maple syrup

            In other news, the sun now sets at 4pm. Well, if you can even call it the sun. It’s more of a distant glare that fades pretty quickly. The bodies of water are beginning to freeze over. I’ve been practicing riding my bike with no handlebars (I wish that song didn’t come to mind when I say that). I enjoy using my bike light and human reflector device. I plan to seriously go shopping sometime soon for gifts. I’m getting into my schoolwork more and more. My room still smells like Christmas and Gingerbread. I’ve watched so many movies online lately; my favorite was Law Abiding Citizen. I found out that the shampoo and conditioner over here is actually better than the Paul Mitchell stuff I had shipped from home (sorry mom and dad). And last, but not least… I really love singing Finnish worship songs.



October 21, 2009

       Today, I was reminded about my personality type. I took The Sixteen Types personality test this summer with my room and Candice’s room at Beach Project. I remember getting my results and being baffled by how accurate the description of my personality type sounded. I was an INFP (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) and more specifically, fell under the category of Healer. I think what amazed me the most was that I felt like a piece of paper out of a book was telling me more about myself than I was able to realize after 21 years of living it. Unfortunately, the whole analysis can’t be found online, but part of it can. I kind of wanted to walk around with this information in my pocket like a User’s Manual: A Guide to Working Your Brand New Sarah Kirsten Rose Bateman.

INFP: (Healer)
This personality type has a high capacity for caring and a high sense of honor derived from internal values. Healer Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in striving for their ends, and informative and introverted in their interpersonal relations. Healers present a seemingly tranquil, and noticeably pleasant face to the world, and though to all appearances they might seem reserved, and even shy, on the inside they are anything but reserved, having a capacity for caring not always found in other types. They care deeply-indeed, passionately-about a few special persons or a favorite cause, and their fervent aim is to bring peace and integrity to their loved ones and the world.

INFPs generally have the following traits:
•strong value systems
•warmly interested in people
•service-oriented, usually putting the needs of others above their own
•Loyal and devoted to people and causes
•Growth-oriented; always want to be growing in a positive direction
•Creative and inspirational
•Flexible and laid-back, unless a ruling principle is violated
•Sensitive and complex
•Dislike dealing with details and routine work
•Original and individualistic—“out of the mainstream”
•Excellent written communication skills
•Prefer to work alone and may have problems working on teams
•Value deep and authentic relationships
•Want to be seen and appreciated for who they are

Healers have a profound sense of idealism derived from a strong personal morality, and they conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place. Indeed, to understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Princess of the fairytale, the King’s Champion or Defender of the Faith, like Joan of Arc.
Healers are found in only one percent of the general population, although, at times, their idealism leaves them feeling even more isolated from the rest of humanity. Healers seek unity in their lives, unity of body and mind, emotions and intellect, perhaps because they are likely to have a sense of inner division threaded through their lives, which comes from their often unhappy childhood. Healers live a fantasy-filled childhood, which, unfortunately, is discouraged or even punished by many parents. In a practical-minded family, required by their parents to be sociable and industrious in concrete ways, and also given down-to-earth siblings who conform to these parental expectations, Healers come to see themselves as ugly ducklings. Other types usually shrug off parental expectations that do not fit them, but not the Healers. Wishing to please their parents and siblings, but not knowing quite how to do it, they try to hide their differences, believing they are bad to be so fanciful, so unlike their more solid brothers and sisters. They wonder, some of them the rest of their lives, whether they are OK. They are quite OK, just different from the rest of their family-swans reared in a family of ducks. Even so, to realize and really believe this is not easy for them.
Deeply committed to the positive and the good, yet taught to believe there is evil in them, Healers can come to develop a certain fascination with the problem of good and evil, sacred and profane. Healers are drawn toward purity, but can become engrossed with the profane, continuously on the lookout for the wickedness that lurks within them. Then, when Healers believe that they have yielded to an impure temptation, they may be given to acts of self-sacrifice in atonement. Others seldom detect this inner turmoil, however, for the struggle between good and evil is within the Healer, who does not usually feel compelled to make the issue public.
Healers are keenly aware of people and their feelings, and relate well with most others. Because of their deep-seated reserve, however, they can work quite happily alone. When making decisions, Healers follow their heart, not their head, which means they can make errors of fact, but seldom of feeling. They have a natural interest in scholarly activities and demonstrate, like other Idealists, a remarkable facility with language. They have a gift for interpreting stories, as well as for creating them, and thus often write in lyric, poetic fashion. Frequently, they hear a call to go forth into the world and help others, a call they seem ready to answer, even if they must sacrifice their own comfort.
In their mating role, Healers have a deep commitment to their vows. They are loyal to their mates. They like to live in harmony and go to great lengths to avoid interpersonal conflict. They are sensitive to the feelings of their mates and enjoy pleasing them, although they may have difficulty in expressing interest and affection openly or directly. They are likely to want a mate who won’t shrink from their expansive imagination. They are often attracted to those whom others have over-looked, given the Healer’s rare ability to see the positive qualities that lie beneath the surface. They cling to their dreams, and often find it difficult to reconcile a romantic, idealized concept of conjugal life with the realities of everyday living with another person. Even at the best of times, they seem fearful of too much marital bliss, afraid that the current happiness may have to be paid for with later sacrifices. They devil is sure to get his due if one experiences too freely of happiness, or, for that matter, of success, or beauty, or wealth, or knowledge. This almost preconscious conviction that pleasure must be paid for with pain can cause a sense of uneasiness in INFPs when they marry; they may feel they must be ever-vigilant against invasion, and can therefore have trouble relaxing in the happiness of mating.
These reserved and soft-spoken Advocates are fierce protectors of home and family—their home is indeed their castle. As parents, they are devoted to the welfare of their children, treating them with great sympathy, and adaptability. In the routines of daily living, they tend to be flexible, even compliant with their mate’s ideas of discipline, and thus are easy to live with. They will often give their children a voice in family decisions—until their vale system is violated. Then they dig in their heels and will not budge from their ideals. Life with a Healer parent will go harmoniously along for long periods until an ideal is stepped on. Then they will resist and insist.
INFPs live their lives focusing on their values. They know what is important to them and protect this at all costs. Their values focus on the optimistic versus the pessimistic, although they are often conscious of the negative. To understand the INFP is to understand their cause. They can work tirelessly toward a cause that deems worthy. They will quietly let others know what is important to them, and rarely will they give up on their purpose. They will go along with the crowd, sometimes even letting decisions be made for them, until someone violates their value system. Then they will dif their heels into the ground and will speak up for their feelings, insisting their values be followed.
INFPs are withdrawn and are sometimes hard to get to know. Some may view them as shy. But those who take the time to get to know them will find them warm and gentle, with a surprising sense of humor. They care deeply for those they consider special friends. Putting forth unusual sacrifices to help such individuals. They often have a subtle, tragic motif running through their lives—inner pain and unease which others seldom detect.
INFPs are creative and constantly seeking out new possibilities. They have a gift with language and usually will express this by means of writing. Their intuitive preference supplies the imagination and their feeling preference giving them the need to communicate. They are gifted at interpreting symbols—being drawn to metaphors and similes. Because of these gifts, they often write in lyric fashion.
INFPs work must be more than just a paycheck; it must be fun and must contribute to something that is important to their values. To be the most productive, they need a sense of purpose behind their job. They often have to look at the large picture in order to see how specific programs fit in. They are adaptable to changes and to new ideas. They work well with other being conscious of others’ feelings and relating with most, though not always vocally. They like to work with others who are cooperative and who share their same set of values. They strive for harmony and dislike conflict.
            INFPs treasure their privacy and may keep a lot to themselves. They need time and space for reflection. Others usually get along well with them, although they may not know them intimately. INFPs may not always be organized. They may tend to lose things or forget appointments. Only when they see the importance of organization in a task, will they strive to work at it in an organized way to get it done. They can be extremely patient with complicated issues, but may become impatient with routine and details.
            INFPs strive for perfection, and this is especially the case when using their feeling preference. They may have trouble finishing a project, because they never find it is good enough. Even when the project must be finished, they may feel the need to go back and improve on it later.
            Reluctantly, INFPs may accept leadership roles. They lead with their values being their guide. They do not aggressively lead people, but rather work with people to develop their talents and to independently achieve their goals. They have a hard time criticizing others, but will try to motivate them by their appreciation and praise. When conflicts arise, they avoid directly approaching the situation, but would rather wait for the others to work out the situation themselves.
INFPs view leisure activity as very important. However, they may have difficulty separating it from work. If they have a special skill they use at work, they may use this skill in their leisure time to help friends, family, or those in need. When they are interested in pursuing a new leisure activity, they may spend a great deal of time researching this activity. Many INFPs enjoy activities that are done alone such as reading, listening to music, or gardening. This gives them the opportunity for reflection and meditation. They may also enjoy social activities with those they feel close to. When they want to be social, they can be outgoing, charming and quite funny, making them a pleasure to have around.
            Because they are reserved, they may be over-looked. But to those that know them, they have a view into their warmth and concern and their deep commitments to their values. 

You can take the test here.


Adventures of Biz Monkey

October 20, 2009

            I’ve found a new obsession. A new hobby. Something that probably sounds nothing like me, and until now, has been nothing like me. It’s food. Well, more-so, the making of it.
            I can’t pinpoint exactly what triggered this movement. There have been many times that the thought of cooking something delicious sounded very fun, but the thrill left me pretty rapidly and all too consistently. I will say that recently I’ve been sort of stalking my friend Tim’s blog. Tim is notorious for making creative snacks and lunches that aren’t necessarily Top Chef challenging, but simple and delicious. I even remember a few times I went over to his house for lunch or dinner and was jealous of his food selection, which is usually pretty healthy and fresh. It seems he has his snacks down to a “T” at this point. To top it all off, the guy sketches and renders his lunches all the time. With a new interest in photography, he now has mouth-watering photographs of his food creations. BUT, this post isn’t really about Tim. And I certainly wouldn’t want his head getting any bigger.

some photos from Tim's photo blog

a few sketches from Tim's normal blog

            The reason I mentioned Tim is that the other day, I was peeking at his blog and found a stunning image of a sandwich made out of rotisserie chicken. The caption spoke about how he buys one about every week and can use it in a variety of meals including this lightly toasted sandwich. I sat back and wondered why I never do things like that. It’s absurdly inexpensive and much healthier than frozen pizzas and grilled cheese sandwiches. I suppose you could say it was the beginning of my epiphany.
            I’ve got this terrible habit of finding a food that seems easy to make and loading up on it. I could eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. Of course, that would mean that I would actually have to eat breakfast… lunch… and dinner. More often then not, it turns out to be one or two of the three. Since I’ve been in Finland, my main meal obsession has been eggs. Yes, it’s true that I’ve always loved eggs, but as often as I eat them, I considered Googling “egg overdosing”. 
Though I suppose there are worse things, there are most certainly better!
            The older fellow in my Bible study, David, has offered to teach me how to make Kombucha so that I can make it in America. This has me very excited because I absolutely LOVE the drink, and it is very healthy for you. I feel like once I learn to make it, I am going to want to make it all the time. I just hope I can do it well enough so that it tastes like his.
find out what I'm talking about here

            Recently, I have been researching and trying to find some good Finnish delicacies that I could take back with me along with the Kombucha. So far, no food has really stuck out as a MUST-TRY and everything is pretty doughy and fishy. There was a man outside of Tokmanni the other day at a hotdog stand where he was smoking fresh salmon. It smelled at looked absolutely amazing. If I knew anything about preparing salmon, I would have hopped in line and taken one of those bad boys home. There are a few challenges to having this new desire to cook in Finland. The first obstacle is obviously the language. It is very hard to grocery shop here. I don’t know if I’m buying sugar or flower… turkey or ham (or mystery meat)… swiss or provolone. It is all just a guess based on color, images, packaging, and ultimately intuition. You can see how shopping is unsuccessful plenty of the time. J The second obstacle is that even if you do know what you are buying based on the things I listed, you then have to already know how to prepare the food. Cause Finnish directions will not get you very far. I usually look for key numbers like, “220ºC” which is often used for pizza, “dl” which is deciliters… I think, “10 min” this is naturally my favorite indication on a package. 

Also very helpful are pictures with spoons and arrows pointing out your need to stir. I think being here has improved my improvising skills. I can add a little something here, leave that out, mix it with these, serve it on that… not because I’ve become more bold, but simply because I don’t actually know the proper way to begin with. It’s been a bit freeing. The last issue is that if I would want to explore preparing foods I am familiar with, I am not guaranteed the right ingredients here. Even if they have the right ingredients here, finding them is a whole ‘nother challenge in and of itself. Likewise, if I learn to make Finnish delicacies here, I’m not guaranteed I will have all of the ingredients to make the same thing at home. For instance, I think reindeer is a bit more rare in North Carolina…
            Today commences my first try at something not-boxed, -packaged, or -canned in such a final state. I decided to tackle an American favorite that I suppose I love and miss. Pancakes. Not just any pancakes… homemade buttermilk pancakes from scratch. Sounds pretty easy right? WRONG. I now understand just how difficult this may be. I accepted a few failures before even venturing to the store. First of all, I don’t know what Finnish “buttermilk” would look, taste, or act like. Yes, I said act. The food has strange tendencies, ok? So I decided I would be making my own buttermilk with whole milk (cause I know how to find that here) and distilled white vinegar. That was about all I accomplished on my shopping trip besides buying flour. Let me discuss my issues. For one, I don’t know whether or not the flour is all-purpose or self-rising. I will probably have to figure out a way to translate and try to find out. Number two, if it is all-purpose, that means that I still need to find baking powder and baking soda. I think I will have better luck finding these things downtown at Stockman tomorrow. Now here’s one of the biggest issues yet… I’m going to have to convert all of the measurements. L A simple cooking project that could take a 5-minute grocery store run and 20-minute cooking process is going to end up taking me days to perform. Luckily, I cultured my own buttermilk and put it in a glass jar and sealed it so that I can use it when the time comes. I’m going to make these pancakes if it’s the last thing I do. And then… on to conquer the world of food! Mwahahahahaha


Comes From Within

October 18, 2009

            If I miss one material thing from America, it would be my car, Lucilla. 

She’s the best 2001 Ford Explorer a girl could ask for! I consider it pure joy to go for a ride and just listen to music. I often make excuses to go places for this sole purpose. I love my sound system and even if my subs don’t rattle houses or take your breath away, they give my music a nice bit of added intensity. The closest thing I have to that here is when I go for a bike ride and listen to my iPod.
There are a few things that really move me. Music and art have a way of grasping my heart and evoking me with powerful emotion. Now, when you explore different combinations of the three, you are sure to get a great result. For instance, a Sunday afternoon full of Andy Davis and painting… that’s time well spent. Though I don’t think many people have as much passion as I do in these areas, I also think many people have more. Now, I’m just going to drift away for a few minutes. Feel free to tag along.

Sticks and Stones - Dave Barnes

I've got a particular love for human art.

A few of my own...

Union & 3rd - Andy Davis

Many know that my favorite color has been green for some time now, but in the last few years, I've been particularly interested in the passion and intensity of red...